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Back-to-School Essentials: Managing Braces and Invisalign

Published on: 22 August, 2024

Back-to-School Essentials Managing Braces and Invisalign

As summer winds down and the school year looms ahead, both students and parents are bustling with preparations for the upcoming back-to-school season. 

For students with braces or Invisalign, this preparation takes on an added dimension. Managing orthodontic treatment during the school year requires some planning and care, but with the right strategies, it can be a smooth and stress-free experience.

At Shifa Dental, your trusted dental clinic in Plano and Garland, Texas, we understand the challenges that come with balancing school life and orthodontic care. 

Whether your child is just starting their journey with braces or is in the midst of Invisalign treatment, our experienced team is here to offer guidance and support every step of the way. 

In this blog, we’ll share some essential tips to help you Manage Braces and Invisalign during the school year, ensuring your child’s smile stays on track while they excel in the classroom.


1. Preparing a Back-to-School Orthodontic Kit

One of the best ways to help your child manage their braces or Invisalign during school is to prepare a back-to-school orthodontic kit. This kit should include all the essentials they might need throughout the day to keep their braces or aligners in good condition.

Here’s what to include in the kit:

  • Travel-sized Toothbrush and Toothpaste: After lunch or snacks, brushing helps remove food particles that can get trapped in braces or aligners.


  • Floss and Orthodontic Flossers: Flossing is crucial for maintaining oral hygiene with braces. Orthodontic flossers make it easier to navigate around wires and brackets.


  • Wax for Braces: Orthodontic wax can be a lifesaver if your child’s braces are causing irritation to their cheeks or lips. Applying a small amount can prevent discomfort.


  • Invisalign Case: For those with Invisalign, having a dedicated case for aligners is essential. This prevents them from being lost or accidentally thrown away during lunch.


  • Water Bottle: Drinking water throughout the day helps keep the mouth clean and reduces the risk of cavities.

By keeping this kit in their backpack or locker, your child will have everything they need to manage their braces or Invisalign on the go.

2. Developing a School-Friendly Oral Hygiene Routine

Good oral hygiene is always important, but it’s especially critical for students with braces or Invisalign. Food particles can easily get stuck in braces, leading to plaque buildup, cavities, and even gum disease. 

For Invisalign wearers, neglecting to clean teeth and aligners properly can result in stained aligners and poor oral health.

Encourage your child to brush their teeth after lunch to remove any food debris. If brushing isn’t possible, rinsing with water can help. Flossing at least once a day is essential, and using an interdental brush or floss threader can make it easier to clean around braces.

For Invisalign users, it’s important to clean the aligners regularly. Encourage your child to rinse their aligners whenever they remove them and to brush them gently with a toothbrush and toothpaste at least once a day.

3. Choosing Braces-Friendly Snacks and Lunches

What your child eats can have a big impact on their orthodontic treatment. Certain foods can damage braces, while others can get stuck in aligners, leading to discomfort and poor oral hygiene.

Here are some braces-friendly snack and lunch ideas:

  • Soft Fruits: Bananas, applesauce, and grapes are great options that won’t damage braces.
  • Dairy Products: Yogurt, cheese, and milk are nutritious and safe options. 
  • Soft Vegetables: Steamed or cooked vegetables are easier to chew and less likely to harm braces
  • Protein Sources: Soft meats like turkey, chicken, or tofu are good options. Avoid tough or chewy meats that can dislodge brackets.

Invisalign wearers have the advantage of removing their aligners before eating, but it’s still important to choose healthy snacks that support overall oral health. 

Avoid sugary or sticky foods that can lead to cavities, and encourage your child to drink water instead of sugary drinks.

4. Handling Orthodontic Emergencies at School

While we hope your child’s school year is free of any orthodontic issues, it’s important to be prepared for emergencies. Broken brackets, loose wires, or lost aligners can all happen during the school day.

For braces, if a wire comes loose or a bracket breaks, your child can use orthodontic wax to cover any sharp edges until they can visit our office at Shifa Dental. If a wire is poking them, they can gently push it back into place using the eraser end of a pencil.

If your child loses an Invisalign aligner, it’s important to contact our office right away. In the meantime, they should wear the previous set of aligners to prevent their teeth from shifting.

Remind your child to stay calm and inform a teacher or school nurse if they experience any discomfort. Most schools are equipped to handle minor orthodontic emergencies, but we’re always here to assist if needed.

5. Communicating with Teachers and School Staff

It’s a good idea to inform your child’s teachers and school nurse about their orthodontic treatment. This ensures that they’re aware of any special needs your child may have, such as taking time to brush their teeth after lunch or handling an orthodontic emergency.

You might also consider providing the school with a copy of your child’s orthodontic care instructions, including how to handle common issues like loose brackets or misplaced aligners. This helps school staff provide the right support when needed.

6. Staying on Track with Appointments

Regular orthodontic appointments are crucial for monitoring progress and making adjustments as needed. During the school year, it can be challenging to fit appointments into a busy schedule, but it’s important to prioritize these visits.

At Shifa Dental, we offer flexible appointment times, including after-school hours, to make it easier for you and your child to stay on track with their treatment. 

Whether you’re managing braces or Invisalign, our team is here to ensure that your child’s orthodontic journey is as smooth as possible.

Conclusion :- 

Managing braces or Invisalign during the school year doesn’t have to be a challenge. With the right preparation, a good oral hygiene routine, and support from our team at Shifa Dental, your child can enjoy a successful school year while staying on track with their orthodontic treatment.

At Shifa Dental, we’re committed to providing high-quality care that fits your budget, whether you’re in Plano or Garland, Texas. 

Our comprehensive dental services, including routine check-ups, Emergency Dental Services, advanced treatments, and pediatric care, are designed to meet the needs of every member of your family.

Ready to ensure your child’s smile stays bright and healthy this school year? 

Contact Shifa Dental today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our orthodontic services. We’re here to support your family’s dental health every step of the way!